A thought-out domain name can save you a lot of time and bring you a lot of traffic. Search engines love topic-related domain names and they seem to be an important aspect which is being used to evaluate web-pages.

Domain Whois Search

Discover who owns a website or domain name by searching our WHOIS database or learn how to keep your domain registration information private. WHOIS Domain Lookup allows you to query a certain domain name and to view its associated details.

About Domain Name Registration

If you are hesitating to read this article, you may surely miss some important information about domain name registration. Several articles on this subject could be found on the net but the advantage of this write-up is that it’s simple and easy to understand. This article provides you with great info on domain name registration.

Free Websites and Hosting

There are many internet based providers that offer to develop free websites. Just because the cost is zero does not mean that the sites they produce are worth having. Free website providers are not all the same, and if you do not look out for your own best interests, you could end up with a site worth less than the nothing you paid for it.

Good Domain Names

You want a prime location for your new business. Some place that’s easy to find and easy to give directions to. Your clients should have no trouble locating you in the busy retail/office/industrial space where you’re setting up shop and they should be able to easily guide their friends and family there when they tell them what a great experience they had doing business with you.

International Domains Review

Before selecting a domain name it’s important to take into consideration how people will be searching for you on the internet. Your name should include a variation of your niche’s keywords. A direct keyword match is ideal, but not always available.

Domain Name Information

A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control on the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS).

Buying a Domain Name

Whether you’re a multinational Internet retailer or a lone human just entering the Web world, there are many things to consider when purchasing a new domain name, not the least of which are core SEO (search engine optimization) parameters. Following is a list of considerations I’d supply to either entity mentioned above or anyone in between. Some may seem ridiculously obvious, but a friendly reminder won’t hurt.